Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Everyone Has a Purpose.

Even amongst the tragedies that have occurred with the recent bombings, I began to question my own ability to help this world, to alleviate some of the confusion that keeps us separate from each other.  I began to feel helpless, incapable, and very inadequate.  What am I worth in this world, if I cannot find the strength to believe in myself?

When moments of doubt creep in, I am once again protected by this unlabeled "feeling."  I landed upon one of Joel Osteen's messages, regardless of religion, and found myself pulled back to center.  The commonality of HOPE, POSITIVITY, and the trust in the light of humanity overcame me.

I was once told, "There are people out there that need you, your energy, and your passion that you have for health!  You have inspired me to be healthier.  There are people waiting for help.  When will you be ready?  When you have accomplished what you have set out to do."

This is my purpose.  If there is one thing I know is true, is finding a gateway to health, and wanting to share it with the world.  If this one thing may be the only thing that brings me joy, I will keep on pursuing it, develop it, making it my OWN, and expand it.  All I want is to share this knowledge, in hopes of sparking a change in others ... to take care of themselves and each other.  Even if people close to me object it, even if strangers do not understand it, even if not one person supports me, I will not give up.

Lead by example. 

 (This inspired me.)

There is an assignment for YOU that nobody else can fulfill.


The world needs your GIFTS, your SMILE, your LOVE, and your PASSION!

You have something to offer nobody else can offer.

Nobody has your exact personality, your exact looks.

There is something unique about you.

The truth is, there is nothing ordinary about you.

You have the fingerprints of "god" all over you.

Life was breathed into you.

The CREATIVE POWER runs through your veins.

Embrace this truth!


Push through & keep moving forward. 

(-Joel Osteen mixed with my own writing.)

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