Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Seek the TRUTH and you shall find it.

How often do circumstances occur in which we question WHY?

Unable to comprehend the context of our own small perspective, the mind will create stories in order to rationalize or to fix what had already past.

If you seek the truth, be RECEPTIVE to it.  We have a deeper knowing that we sometimes may chose to ignore.  Seek it and learn.

There are certain gateways that can help us be receptive to the truth such as deep breathing and Mother Nature.

Deep breathing calms and diverts us to the present moment, and in that moment, we may find peace and within that peace lies the truth ... catch it while brief but it's there.  Allow the chatter to occur but pinpoint the message that is trying to emerge from the grasp of conditioning...

Go for a walk in the park or wherever Mother Nature is available.  Here we find the ever changing presence of life ... resilient through the seasons.  The trees can teach us a lesson of impermanence.  Leaves and flowers need not bloom until the conditions are present for manifestation, thus in the meantime, they shall remain dormant until then.  It is the same with our being.  Sometimes all the conditions necessary to manifest are not yet present, and that is perfectly ok.  It is there though, waiting for the right moment.

Thus, can we find the lesson during the times when truth lies dormant?  It's there .. waiting for you to grasp it and lead you to the next, ever-present moment.

Seek the truth and you shall find it.


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